
Nashville Pussy
Let Them Eat Pussy
(Amphetamine Reptile)
If you haven’t seen ‘em yet, what can I tell you? I’m sure those Pavement CDs of yours have some really clever hooks and cute lyrics to fill your hi-fi void. Look, Nashville Pussy has been here four times in the last six months and if you haven’t caught this four-headed beast yet, there’s still time. They’ll be supporting this monster with yet another tour and a stop at O’Cayz. So do yourself a favor and pull that P.C. stick out of your turd cutter, rip off that peanut shell ‘n rubber band from ‘round your waste, grab yerself and cough up the dough for this rekid. You’ll feel much better. For the converted rug-munchers, the only question is whether or not the Pussy can bring the fury of their legendary live gigs to vinyl. Not to fret, snapperheads, this Pussy satisfies sure as shit. The bottom line is this is one mother of an album that will, depending on your sexual orientation, have you flickin’ the bean or working out those r ’n’ r blueballs. C’mon, pussywillows! Make a stand! Ante up for scorching guitar solos and sex.
Magnus Watt

[Vol 2 #12] [Coal Chamber] [Druel] [Credits] [Hi Fi Report]

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