
The Necessary Evils
Spider Fingers
(In the Red)
This is a nasty quake of garage doom brought to you by former members of the Beguiled and Fireworks. The trio wrings some serious havoc out of two guitars and some drums (not to mention the occasional organ). Spider Fingers is creepy as hell, and I’m not talkin’ in a cartoonish, loudmouth-pussy Marilyn Manson kind of way, either. With track titles like “Back-Stabber,” “Pretty White Girl on a Black Death Train,” and “Skin Ripper,” it’s obvious this is some real down-to-earth death music played by folks with taste. These guys sound like a brutal mugging during a nighttime jog. The guitars howl, scream and moan while the singer sounds like he’s fighting for his life (or taking someone else’s). The drums are up-front and unfailing, beating the nightmare forward. Listening to this record, I couldn’t help but think what a great soundtrack this woulda made for Wes Craven’s grainy masterpiece The Last House on the Left.
Magnus Watt

[Vol 2 #12] [Coal Chamber] [Druel] [Credits] [Hi Fi Report]

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